Liverpool duo ‘atrocious’ as ‘deluded’ Klopp needs to move four ‘dogsh*te’ midfielders on

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One Liverpool fan has some harsh words for Jurgen Klopp and a number of their players after their defeat to Brentford. Plus, disliking Chelsea boss Potter, Kulusevski, Conte and is Haaland making Man City worse?

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Shambolic Liverpool
I’ve had enough, for the last 12 months our defense has been a shambles and all other areas of the pitch have been getting worse because Klopp is far too loyal to bang average players and continuously seems to think that they will get better when in fact they are only getting worse.

Lets start with Harvey Elliott – this kid is atrocious (and in midfield he is even worse) and for that matter any position in this Liverpool team and formation. He cannot pass, he cannot tackle, he has zero awareness (yet again showed that for his error leading to 2nd goal today), he doesnt track runners, repeatedly loses the ball, positionally is diabolical, he cannot dribble or beat a man, he rarely gets an asisst or a goal – he is a liability and when he starts we are starting with 10 men. He is only of value if not in the team or even at the club. This is the reality, yet the deluded media and commentators seem to think he is world class and doing great. Please wake up, he is atrocious and not worthy of to be at LFC. Klopp is deluded regarding Elliott.

Nunez – the guy is not worth £16m let alone £64m – his finishing is atrocius, 16 BIG chances this seasons totally missed, 16, Kane, Haaland, Mane, Strikers of Liverpool past (Owen, Fowler, Torres, Suarez even Dean Saunders) would have put at least 50-90% of those same chances away. Top strikers finish, their conversion rates are high, as sometimes they only get the one chance, Nunez is not a clinical striker, he doesnt have the natural composure and Liverpool dont have 3 seasons without anyone else pitching in with goals to find out. We bought this guy based on 2 appearances against us last season, we did the same with Minamino (but only spent £6m there) so it didnt hurt as bad. Klopp and the entire club are deluded regarding Nunez.

Midfield – our entire midfield is dogshite, they dont have the legs or desire to compete anymore, Keita, Ox, Curtis and Elliott are just not good enough and 3 of the 4 cant stay fit for longer than a game anyway, move them the fuck on. Thats it. Thiago, Hendo and Fabinho are only squad players anymore. They cannot protect the defense and they have zero creativity, we literally should just sign 24 years olds, that can tackle, be aggressive, recycle the ball and pass sideways, because thats all they do but not as good as they used to a couple years ago. Move them all on, its time and buy 5/6 new midfielders that have the desire, skill to make an impact, win us games and get us back to the top.

Defense – without a midfield that can protect, our defense is atrocious at playing the high line. We set ourselves up every game to be countered against very easily over and over again – why cant the club’s staff and players see this, the delusion is embedded to the core. The entire footballing country can see this and every team is scoring goals against us because of this, yet they dont want to change, whose ego is getting in the way of this?

Effort, Desire and Distance covered – big issue, from consistently being top for running stats last few seasons bar Covid season, we are nowhere near the top…this is the single biggest issue, the squad is old/stale, doesnt have the desire and doesnt want to change its style to stop conceding goals. New blood (in the form of at least 6/7 players is needed) without this, there is no return to previous seasons.

Pep Ljinders – How the fuck was he allowed to release a book in the summer, he isnt even the head coach, did no thick t*** at the club stop him, its a total farce and deeply embarassing to release a book after winning 2 cups, titled INTENSITY and then immediately after see the team have next to no intentsity for the first half of the season, on top of that lay out all your tactics for every other manager. Klopp, the players and the board should be ashamed for allowing it. What a shit show!!

Rant (full of facts) over.
Ash, LFC. P.S. Starting to feel 1992 again!!


Not taking away from the Brentford performance who deserved to win but how does the third goal stand?

Konate stands between Mbeumo and the ball and ends up on the floor… why would he go down and how is that not a push and foul?

Still undecided on Nunez but I would say it’s all very well getting into the positions and running the channels but if he puts away the early chance the game looks very different. Goals change the dynamics of a game and teams can’t afford to spurn chances.

We now clearly have a porous defence, slow and soft midfield and non-scoring forwards. Lots to work on!
Zak LFC  


Liverpool inconsistency
Another match and another 3 points dropped. The problem with Liverpool is that we have players who fail to show up consistently. Where the fuck was Faes tonight? No where to be seen.
Jason G, Montreal Canada


Where’s Faes when you need him?
Aidan, Lfc


There’s a line in the Bible’s story of Samson and Delilah when he’s just had his locks cut off and he gets up: “he thought he could beat the Philistines as he had before.” Reading your article made me think of that. Big Virgil might as well be sporting a Jaap Stam haircut, his powers have gone but he still thinks he can beat anyone because he used to be imperious.

Unfortunately Konaté has not returned from the World Cup in the best form, and I think we’ll have to muddle through because Matip can’t do it all himself. Mind you, there’s always Nat Phillips, he might be getting some game time while Virgil’s hair grows back.
Paul in Brussels (Nunez should be on shooting practice and nothing else every day) 


Haaland making Man City worse
Dave in the Monday morning mailbox
was asking if we thought if Haaland has made City worse this season compared to last. Instead of spouting nonsense based on some of their recently dropped points & forgetting City’s flaws last season, I had a look at the current table & decided to come up with some points-based nonsense.

Currently City have 36 points from 16 games, if they carry on with the same points per game ratio then they would finish on 85/86 points, which is indeed some way short of their final points total of 93 last season.

But the past few seasons City have generally started their seasons slowly before picking up in the new year which has been enough to see them through to the title. So, I looked back to last season to see they had 38 points after 16 games last year which is indeed 2 more than this season but not much of a margin of error.

Those 38 points last year were enough for City to be sat top of the league, one point above Liverpool. Whereas Arsenal currently have 43 points after 16 games which would have been enough for them to sit top of the league last season with a 5 point cushion. City aren’t much worse than last season, if at all, but Arsenal are performing better this season than City were at the same point last season.

What Haaland will be judged on is how he performs in the big games when it matters, against Arsenal who he hasn’t met yet & in the knock out stages of the Champions League. So, what was the point in this mail you say? Don’t you love open ended conclusions?
Mick, Cardiff

Where do I begin…
I’ve been quiet on this subject as I didn’t really know Graham Potter, but man I miss Thomas Tuchel. I’m probably wrong about this and I’ll be happy to eat my words, but I have disliked Potter from his first interview.

With Tuchel you could see his passion on the sideline, his anger and disappointment at not winning. In his interviews you could see he was tactically very astute, understanding the assets and liabilities of different formations and gameplans. He was honest in his assessment and gave a clear explanation of what was happening.

Potter on the other hand… where do I start? His answers are small snippets of meaningless throw-away lines. He never says anything insightful to give you a feeling that he understands what’s going wrong or how to fix it. He never looks or sounds upset that Chelsea lost, he sounds like a mid-table manager just happy to be in the league rather than a Chelsea manager where every time we don’t win should be seen as a disaster.

I know that Tuchel had struggled to get the team scoring but there was the sense that if it could be figured out, he’d know how to do it. With Potter it feels like he’s a good man-motivator but there’s little more to him than that.

Again, I’m probably wrong about Potter, his record at his previous clubs is exemplary, but I think I’m not alone amongst Chelsea fans wishing for a Tuchel reunion.

PS – Unlike other Chelsea fans I’m not against Boehly et al. They have put down some serious money for us and improved the structure of the club from a Russian’s toy to a business that will succeed for years to come.


What to do with Kulusevski?
As an Arsenal supporter it pleases me to witness Tottenham’s woes. While I’m surprised that their performances have dropped off so drastically from last season, their recruitment strategy must be contributing in some way.

EVERY Spurs supporter that I speak to claims that Kulusevski is their most creatine outlet. Now while I understand he is currently out injured, I don’t understand why the club didn’t buy him after last season’s successful loan, if he is so integral to their style of play?
Jovan (London)


How can Spurs fans turn on their club now?
I can understand Spurs fans being frustrated with their team. Spurs have been below par for much of this season and at times they play pretty terrible football. They are probably underachieving a bit considering their coach and the squad they have and their defence frequently looks pretty shaky.

That said, David Clarke’s email from Monday morning left me genuinely open mouthed. He has supported Spurs since the 70s and this is where he draws the line? Spurs are fifth- 2 points behind 4th and 6 points beyond the robotic brilliance of Manchester City. They topped their champions league group and face a decent tie in the last 16. They have a great coach and have made a lot of excellent signings recently.  Most teams would be absolutely delighted to be in their position.

But here’s the thing- even if Spurs were rooted at the bottom of the table and heading for relegation, that doesn’t justify ceasing to support your club. You can’t possibly call yourself a real fan if that’s how you approach fandom.
Turiyo Damascene, Kigali, Rwanda.


Antonio Conte
Happy new year to you all, get that out of the way before I call you out on your United missed a trick in not getting Conte shtick. Seems United were right in not appointing Conte and trusting in ETH and his process, I for one am really looking forward to how ETH develops this side going forward sticking it to all the gobshites who called him a fraud. Lastly can I just say Graham Souness is an absolute spunk trumpet with his take on Casemiro, not World class, never been great, this from the man who signed Ali Dia.
Paul Murphy, Manchester


Everton > Atletico
When are Everton going to be called out for their massive levels of absolute shithousery?

I mean, is it actually possible to have three players down, all faking injury, in three separate areas of the pitch?

Is it possible to have three separate players all refuse to take a throw in?

Is it also possible for the final player to then question as to whether it’s actually their throw in, at all?

Is it possible for Pickford to miss taking a lovely looooong drink before Every. Single. Goalkick?

Is it feasible for their players to crowd round the ball when the free kick is against them but then protest vociferously when the opposition player is only 9 yards away when the free kick is for Everton?

Why can’t referees see what’s happening? Why can’t Everton be punished for this despoilation of the game by playing serious added on time and making it plain that so much extra time is added because of their own tactics? I mean, we had an added 11 minutes to the second half at the Etihad but 8 minutes of that was added because play was stopped as the linesman had a faulty radio….so….no punishment at all.

So many questions. Only one answer, Everton are the Premier League’s answer to Atletico Madrid and we’ve all see the protestations and anger in the Mailbox after a Premier League team has played Atletico.

In conclusion, we can all see that Everton no longer tick the Big Club box. The celebration from the fans at getting a point proves this. These tactics are unbefitting of a club that has so much self regard. This team should be filed in the box labelled as a Colin Warnock club. As soon as Everton scored their admittedly great equaliser, I turned to the guy stood next to me and told him that we were now going to see the shithousing levels go off the scale because i just….knew they would.

School of Science? My arse.

Everton should take a good long look at themselves in the mirror. They should be ashamed at what they see.

Just trying to help
Levenshulme Blue, M19 

(PS. This mail is not down to sour grapes, if we don’t win, as per Brentford, well, that’s fair enough. No, this is different)

(PPS, for any pundit to defend this, well, they are actually stating that it’s OK for the match going fan to be ripped off)


Ronaldo the Great
I wanted to offer a new take on the whole mockery of the Ronaldo situation. I think he may have been aiming to break champions league records, so tried to manufacture a move in the summer that was ultimately unsuccessful. For whatever reasons, Champions League clubs didn’t take him, maybe money, maybe age, or whatever, but he still didn’t get his move.My take is that, he left because he wasn’t even playing at Man U. He was a sub, and I think that’s what got him riled up. I believe he had got over the fact that he was going to play in the Europa League, but the fact that he wasn’t even starting in the premier league, and had been relegated to the bench made him frustrated.

This is not an excuse for how he acted and has continued to act, it’s just an alternative view on how he acted.
Dave(He may also be a pompous a**hole), somewhere 


Guess what Karma is?
There’s a reason why you don’t read a lot of mails from City fans on F365 crowing or giving it the Bertie Big Bollocks.   It’s because decades of clutching defeat from the jaws of victory have conditioned us to not be so arrogant.  We’ll leave that to the red halves of Manchester and Merseyside.  We know better.  Even with squillions of Petro-dollars we still suffer from “Typical City” syndrome, something which is hard to shake after so many years.

That said, may I ask two questions from the authors of two mails in the Monday morning mailbox?

David, Caleeforneeya  …Just curious, are Liverpool considered contenders for top six, still?

Oh, and Steve, LFC. London (via Bootle).  …I can’t wait to see the open top bus parade Liverpool have for winning absolutely nothing this season.

David and Steve.  Complete this well-known phrase.  Karma’s a b****.
Mark (Isn’t it though?  Tee-hee). MCFC.


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